
I hate Bloggers (Part 2)

Thanks everyone for your kind responses. I just want to be clear that I am not affect by what others think or say about us. I am just amazed that people who call themselves Christians can be so devoid of Christian love. I recently took my son to a VBS at another church. They had

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Thank you Sarah Palin!

I’m back in. I usually don’t get very political because I think it is very important yet very personal. I am neither a Republican or Democrat. I am a registered Independent. I have been ticked with both parties didn’t want to vote for McCain was pulling for Mitt Romney for the Republicans and for Hillary

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I hate Bloggers!

I realize that this is quite the strong title but let me explain. Since I started blogging over a year ago one of the things that always has ticked me off is bloggers who rail against other people, athletes, ministers and ministries. Many of these so called bloggers (I call them bla-bla’s) use the power

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Just a quick note to welcome everyone from over at my old blog location. Thanks for making the jump. What we are going to discuss in the next few days. 1. Reflections of an Olympic junkie 2. Why I hate bloggers! 3. Update on what happened at our kids camp 4. My internal debate about

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Change something

I have been doing a good amount of creative thought as well as a decent amout of writing. I have been in a creative rut brought on by a busyness, deadlines, and the cares of life. How I get out of creative ruts. Change location – get out of the office. Go somewhere different, perhaps

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True Fasting

True Fasting One of my favorite writers is a man by the name of Brennan Manning. He has a powerful testimony but what I appreciate most about him is his ability to tap into the Nature of God our Father. He has a devotional that I enjoy immensely entitled “Refections For Ragamuffins”. The following is

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