
Weekend Reading 2-20-15

What books I am reading right now Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower What blogs I am reading right now Your Brain on Stories – Great post on the power of story and how it affects you. Thanks for the find @jonathancliff If you develop tension in the story you will […]

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Weekend Reading 2-13-2015

What books I am reading right now Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull Out Of The Silent Planet By C.S. Lewis What blogs I am reading right now No Grey Area – Kevin DeYoung Talks about he proper Christian response to the movie and book series 50 shades of grey.  How to build a thriving Children’s

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Weekend Reading 2-6-2015

What books I am reading right now Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull Out Of The Silent Planet By C.S. Lewis What blogs I am reading right now Islamic State selling, crucifying, burying children alive in Iraq – Completely heartbreaking. We must not avert our eyes from the suffering being inflicted on these innocents. Hey Kids,

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