It’s Jim Wideman’s Birthday Today!


One of the more moving things for me is going to funerals. Hearing everyone say such nice things about someone is important but It does little for the dead guy.  I think it’s a good idea to tell people how much they mean to you when they are still around to hear it. So with it being Jim Wideman’s birthday today let me tell you a few things I appreciate about Brother Jim:

1. He loves Jesus – His life is driven by that passion first. All the other loves in his lives find their place behind Jesus.
2. He raised a great family – Not an easy task but when you can be in the ministry for 30+ years and your wife still respects you and both your kids are passionate about Jesus. There is nothing greater
3. He taught me to practice thankfulness. There are many things I have learned from brother Jim but practicing thankfulness is something I do each day.
4. He loves the church more than his ministry. So many people out there use the church to build their ministry. Jim’s ministry is about building the church that is rare and beautiful.
5. He doesn’t believe his own bio. – He is humble and cares more about people than he does about extending his legacy.
6. He believes in me more than I believe in myself and everyone needs someone who does that.

I am so grateful beyond words to the whole Wideman family. Each of you have impacted my life in a different way. Y’all are a massive blessing to the Luce’s and countless others. Thank you and Happy Birthday Brother Jim and Roll Tide.

Make sure you stop by his facebook, blog or tweet him happy birthday if Brother Jim has impacted your life in any way let him know. 

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