
Links I like: New (to me anyway) and Very cool finds

What is most amazing is that you can take a picture of a page of hand written notes and search for what you wrote inside the picture. … Tweetlate r – a great tool that does a ton of things like time delay tweets – What i like best is how you can vet followers and weed out SEO’s and spammers and still keep your autofollow with out blindlyfollowing.

Links I like: New (to me anyway) and Very cool finds Read More »

How to be a Problem-Solver

Key Thoughts – The bigger your church gets the more important it is that you become a problem solver. Sometimes knowing what NOT to do is as important as what to do. Anytime you delagate without duplication you get weirdness. My Thoughts – I am a huge believer in learning from every stage and every

How to be a Problem-Solver Read More »