Links I like: New (to me anyway) and Very cool finds

Here are a few things I have come across in the past couple of weeks. I hope you find them useful. If you have any links I would love to check them out leave the link in your comment.

Evernote: An amazing cross platform note and thought organizer. You can use evernote on a PC, Mac, internet and iPhone. What is most amazing is that you can take a picture of a page of hand written notes and search for what you wrote inside the picture. AMAZING perfect for archiving notes from orange.

279Days to Overnight Success – An e-book to help you become a better blogger.

Visibletweets – How cool would this be if you could put this on a big screen between services as prayer requests or a feed like #orange. I am so going to use this for something not sure what yet.

Twitter apps list. – Here is a crazy huge twitter apps list.

Twitter Snooze – I meant to send this link out to my tweets before Orange due to the onslaught of tweets I knew I would produce. It allows you to turn someone’s updates off for a period of time without unfollowing them.

Tweetlater – a great tool that does a ton of things like time delay tweets – What i like best is how you can vet followers and weed out SEO’s and spammers and still keep your autofollow with out blindlyfollowing. – Lifechurch gives away all their stuff for free how cool is that? What if more churches did this? Anywho I have been looking for some video driven stuff for one of our smaller campus and so far so good. I really like what Ally and the team are doing check it out for your self.

6 thoughts on “Links I like: New (to me anyway) and Very cool finds”

  1. Thanks for the shout! I am so thrilled that has been able to resource churches around the world with free curriculum. Please let me know if you ever have any questions about our stuff or anything else that we can provide. We are so thankful that God allows us to do this. You rock Sam Luce!

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