How to be a Problem-Solver

Key Thoughts –

The bigger your church gets the more important it is that you become a problem solver.

Sometimes knowing what NOT to do is as important as what to do.

Anytime you delagate without duplication you get weirdness.

My Thoughts –

I am a huge believer in learning from every stage and every generation. I can learn something from a 20 year old kid who just became a kids pastor and can most definately can learn from a man who has done crazy cool things in the last 30 years of ministry.

I chose these three statements because they spoke to me where I am at and where my church is at.

1. We are growing I need to be a better more efficent problem solver.

2. My time is more limited than before and I have been doing kids ministry for quite a while so I need to know what not to do more often than I need to know what to do.

3. I need to turn the switch from delegation to duplication because I hate weirdness.

One thing I love about Brother Jim is he is a master at using his experience and the Word of God. We need both!

This was a great breakout because you have to be a kids pastor for oh lets say…….five minutes before you need to learn to solve your first problem.


3 thoughts on “How to be a Problem-Solver”

  1. These are great thoughts.

    The larger we get the less I find myself making decisions. Therefore, I need to be sure that those who are making decisions and solving problems are doing so from the right ministry mindset.

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