
How to memorize better.

I did a few posts on Catechism and the importance it’s role has in the church and in the family. I thought I would pass on some of the tips Tim Keller includes in his introduction to his New City Catechism. MEMORIZATION TIPS There are a variety of ways to commit texts to memory and some

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What Catechism?

Last week I discussed why Catechism is a good idea for kids and parents alike. I thought I would give you a few options as sort of a launching off point for you to pick what works best with your kids. 1. The Heidelberg Catechism – The Heidelberg Catechism, written in 1563, originated in one of

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Why Catechism?

Why Catechism? Catechism in my mind has gotten a bad rap. The reasons I believe that is because people equate catechism with a nun walking around with a ruler. While this may be a bit of a caricature I do think the idea of Catechism in a classroom is less than ideal. As a father

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Gun violence and the Image of God.

There have been many instances of people using guns to inflict pain on others all over the country. Each one is horribly tragic. To read about the senseless slaughter of innocent people is overwhelming and mind numbing. This reality of senseless gun violence came to my town literally down the street from me. People who attend our church were directly

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How to know for sure that you are saved: My interview with J.D. Greear (Part 2)

I recently read J.D. Greear’s new book “Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart.” I was drawn to the book because of the confusion the term can sometimes bring when explaining the gospel to kids. J.D. Does a fantastic job addressing the topic of eternal security in a practical and theologically correct way. His book is a fantastic read

How to know for sure that you are saved: My interview with J.D. Greear (Part 2) Read More »