Mother’s Day gift ideas for your Church?


One of the things we find difficult to do every year is find a gift to give our mothers on Mother’s Day that is more than a trinket. We live in a culture that spends millions on souvenirs. We used to give fathers key chains and mothers carnations, both are fine but eventually end up in the junk drawer of your home or the city dump. We had this thought a few years back what if leveraged these 2.00 trinkets to make a difference in someone’s life forever. So in the past few years we have made donations to Love146 and smile train.

This year we found a company called FreeSet that helps women who have been freed from sex slavery by giving them a meaningful skill that gives hope to them and their family where they can earn a decent wage in dignity. When you buy bags these women make you are  not just buying a bag you are giving hope. We bought all our mom’s makeup bags. They were a huge hit. So if you are looking a mother’s day gift for next year or a conference tote for this year consider FreeSet.

Here is a video that shows a little of what FreeSet is all about.



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