What Catechism?


Last week I discussed why Catechism is a good idea for kids and parents alike.

I thought I would give you a few options as sort of a launching off point for you to pick what works best with your kids.

1. The Heidelberg Catechism – The Heidelberg Catechism, written in 1563, originated in one of the few pockets of Calvinistic faith in the Lutheran and Catholic territories of Germany. Conceived originally as a teaching instrument to promote religious unity in the Palatinate, the catechism soon became a guide for preaching as well. It is a remarkably warm-hearted and personalized confession of faith, eminently deserving of its popularity among Reformed churches to the present day.

2. The North Star Catechism – Whether or not we sail across troubled seas, Christians are all pilgrims. For thousands of years, travelers have been guided on their journey by focusing on a fixed point in the night sky: the North Star. While other stars seem to shift with the passing of time, the North Star remains anchored in the same position. This celestial gift allowed people to know where they were and where they needed to go. Our prayer is that the North Star Catechism will offer this same kind of clarity.

3. New City Catechism – New City Catechism consists of 52 questions and answers so the easiest way to use it is to memorize one question and answer each week of the year. Because it is intended to be dialogical it is best to learn it in pairs, in families, or as study groups, enabling you to drill one another on the answers not only one at a time but once you have learned 10 of them, then 20 of them, and so on.

– What to look for in a catechism –

  • Make sure you can understand the language and vocabulary used.
  • Make sure the delivery system works for you – Heidelberg uses website and books – North Star is a PDF at present and New City is primarily through the iPad.
  • Make sure it’s something your kids can grow into
  • Make sure you have a system to track your kids’ progress.
  • Make sure it’s something you can stick to.


4 thoughts on “What Catechism?”

  1. We’ve used this slim book Studying God’s Word with our preschoolers for many years and have loved it’s simplicity in presenting the Children’s Shorter Catechism, which we like because even small children can grasp what they are memorizing, allowing us to refer to it in daily life as needed. http://www.christianbook.com/studying-gods-word-basic-christian-doctrines/michael-mchugh/9781930092570/pd/249053?item_code=WW&netp_id=249976&event=ESRCG&view=details

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