
Why I love my church.

I have been blessed to be able to visit many churches that are doing amazing things for the kingdom. There is just something about being in the place God has called you. I have had the privilege of being the kids pastor at my church for 12 years this July, I however want to by […]

Why I love my church. Read More »

Start Simple Stay Simple.

Just spent a few hours this weekend going from 36 categories down to 7. While at Orange I was inspired by Human3rror to simplify my categories. So I have decided to use categories as a broad search tool and tags to help people find specific posts. When I started blogging I had only a few

Start Simple Stay Simple. Read More »

Links I like: New (to me anyway) and Very cool finds

What is most amazing is that you can take a picture of a page of hand written notes and search for what you wrote inside the picture. … Tweetlate r – a great tool that does a ton of things like time delay tweets – What i like best is how you can vet followers and weed out SEO’s and spammers and still keep your autofollow with out blindlyfollowing.

Links I like: New (to me anyway) and Very cool finds Read More »

How to be a Problem-Solver

Key Thoughts – The bigger your church gets the more important it is that you become a problem solver. Sometimes knowing what NOT to do is as important as what to do. Anytime you delagate without duplication you get weirdness. My Thoughts – I am a huge believer in learning from every stage and every

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