Start Simple Stay Simple.

Just spent a few hours this weekend going from 36 categories down to 7. While at Orange I was inspired by Human3rror to simplify my categories. So I have decided to use categories as a broad search tool and tags to help people find specific posts.

When I started blogging I had only a few categories. I started simple the problem we all encounter is that we tend to make things more complicated over time for the following reasons:

1. We like to be in control

2. We get nostalgic with things we create

3. We think everyone loves what we do as much as we do.

4. We can’t let go of the good to obtain greatness

What have you made to complex? What can you simplify?

Take my advice start simple stay simple.

3 thoughts on “Start Simple Stay Simple.”

  1. Yeah, I have yet to simplify my categories since when I do, it will mess up the URL’s of all my posts. One step at a time. I moved my blog from the /blog directory to the root directory. I’m going to live in that victory for a few weeks before I mess up my categories. Ha! Good job though.

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