
Looking for beta testers

This time of the year parents should be looking for ways to keep their kids safe. During Christmas kids get more devices that are connected to the internet than any other time during the year. There are several options for you to do this. If you don’t do anything presently you need to. Our kids

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How To Partner With Parents

In the kids ministry world the idea of partnering with parents is definitely mainstream. Most people are talking about why this is important. We need to be having this conversation. The more we talk about partnering with parents it reminds us of our primary job to lead and guide not to parent the kids in our

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Shaping a Faith that lasts

[callout]Here are my notes from Dr. Jones’ session. Please forgive me if they are a bit abstract. The breakout was fantastic, gospel saturated and immensely practical. [/callout] How you can partner with parents to equip their children to defend their faith. Hope always points to the resurrection of Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15-16 If we defend

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