You Don’t Need To Be Theologian To Teach Kids.

In my last post I made the case for systematic theology and why kids need it. I know many of you might be thinking that there is no way that you could teach your kids systematic theology because you don’t really even understand it yourself. Take heart you are not alone. The good news for you is there are many resources that are now available to help your kids and you understand the basic framework of our faith.

Theology is something that is scary for many parents as many of them were never taught theology because much of it was assumed when they were kids. Their parents assumed they understood things about God. The most important thing about our kids is what they think about God. Because that’s true we can leave nothing to chance.

So where do we start. I would not start with Systematic Theology for kids under 6 or 7 for them I would read them books that tell the large story of God as a Redeemer. To do that I would recommend the following books

The Jesus Story Book Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones



The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung

Once kids have an understanding of the big picture of scripture the parts will make sense. When your kids are between 7 and 8 I would working through a systematic theology with them. There are three that I would recommend this list is by no means exhaustive. I have broken them up into younger, slightly older and older again this is for connivance what is important is you find what works for you family and do that.


Everything a Child Should Know about God by Kenneth Taylor


The Ology by Marty Machowski

Older Elementary

Big Truths for Young Hearts by Bruce Ware



Bible Doctrine: Essential Teaching of the Christian Faith by Wayne Grudem


5 thoughts on “You Don’t Need To Be Theologian To Teach Kids.”

  1. We are just starting our Family Ministry here at our church and I have started using the first three books in the same way you have mentioned. They are great books and they incrementally teach about who God is and what we believe in very age-appropriate ways. Adding Grudem’s book is a great addition. Since my domain is kids, I never thought about the next step but agree that his Bible Doctrine is the logical extension of the “series” of books. Thanks.

  2. Pingback: Why Kids Need Systematic Theology | Aim Lower Journal

  3. I gave the Jesus Storybook Bible with the cd to one of our Kindergarten kids. He really enjoyed it and listened to it several times. Both of his parents appreciated the investment into their son’s life. His mother is a school teacher and recommended it to other parents for their children.

  4. Pingback: How Do We Train Our Kids to Stand Firm -

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