
Books I read in 2015

In 2015 I read fewer books than 2014 but I definitely grew as a reader.  I always thought that reading more was how you grew as a reader but it’s not true it’s reading better books. It’s reading books that are beyond you that grow you as a reader.  Mortimer Adler says this about reading

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Looking for beta testers

This time of the year parents should be looking for ways to keep their kids safe. During Christmas kids get more devices that are connected to the internet than any other time during the year. There are several options for you to do this. If you don’t do anything presently you need to. Our kids

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How to Kid Proof your iPad

When I first got my iPhone and iPad one of the more frustrating things for me was the fact my kids would roam all over it changing stuff. Well that and the fact they would use it while eating Cheetos. I have yet to solve the Cheetos issue. I did however, discover that apple come

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