Youth Pastor

Should I Let My Teenager Date?

Growing up in the ’80s and ’90s, I was right in the middle of the Evangelical whiplash cultural course correction following the social revolution of the ’60s and ’70s. This produced youth ministries at the time serving up a steady diet of Hells Bells and True Love Waits. Purity Rings and True Love Waits It

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Are you a Preacher Who Pastors or a Pastor who Preaches.

One of the temptations in ministry but particularly in youth ministry is to be a preacher who pastors. Pastoral ministry is tough there is no way around it, it just is. Preaching is generally immediately rewarding with people telling you that you did a great job or how what you said impacted them positively. Pastoring generally results

Are you a Preacher Who Pastors or a Pastor who Preaches. Read More »

Happy Reformation Day – Semper Reformanda

One of the mottos of the Reformation was Semper Reformanda which means “the church reformed, always reforming” With the strength of the Evangelical Protestant Church this seems like an antiquated motto for the Protestant church in its infancy. However, as we celebrate 501 years of the Protestant Reformation, we are still a church in need of reformation as much

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Pastor as Theologian

I am wrapping up my Pastor as…. series. Pastor as Theologian may be the most controversial out of all four. Why you need to be a theologian is because you as a shepherd, leader, and disciple need to think right thoughts about God. A. W. Tozer famously said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God

Pastor as Theologian Read More »