
Uptown Be Attitudes

When we redid our children’s facility a few years back I took that opportunity to change lots of things. One of the things I to make sure we did was make our values clear and transportable. I want to always make sure that why we do what we do stays at the front of our

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Guerrilla Parenting

  So what is guerrilla parenting? It’s parenting that relies on time, energy and imagination. As our world changes we need to think of creative, unique ways to engage our kids. I want to talk over a few posts or who knows maybe more about how we can engage in guerrilla parenting. What are some

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I love baseball.

It’s a family heirloom. History is more valuable in baseball. In most sports it’s what have you done for me lately. It’s the only game where the defense has the ball It’s the only game that spans the seasons (Well the seasons I happen to like) It’s the only game that has no clock it’s

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Recipe or a Formula

(Here is an article I did a while back that I always think about  before heading off to a kids ministry conference. I thought I would share it  with you.) As a kids pastor going to conferences I often made the mistake of looking for the perfect formula instead of the right recipe. When I was

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Recipe or a Formula

(Here is an article I did a while back that I always think about  before heading off to a kids ministry conference. I thought I would share it  with you.) As a kids pastor going to conferences I often made the mistake of looking for the perfect formula instead of the right recipe. When I was

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Happy Valentines Day.

When I was growing up I didn’t like valentines day that much. Valentines day can be as much a reminder of love lost as it can be of love gained. I do have to say that the last 14 valentines days have been amazing. Did I give or recieve 20 tons of cocholate? Just how

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