
Top 10 blog posts of 2012

#1.  4 Ways to clarify the gospel when communicating to kids. #2.  Free Bible Lessons: Proverbs “The Book of Wisdom” #3.  What the Gospeldemands of parents #4. Why volunteers don’t attend your meetings. #5. 10 Best iPad Apps for kids #6. Helping kidslove the bible: Stay one bible ahead #7. 4 reasons NOT to Homeschool […]

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I had a conversation with a pastor from another church, she said “God has given you influence, what are going to say?” It’s a great question because like it or not each of us has influence. God has given each of us a measure of influence what are you going to say when have people in your

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Asking the right questions

The most important thing we can do as a leader is ask the right questions of ourself and others. When we don’t ask the right questions we get wrong information. When we don’t ask the right people questions we get wrong information. When we don’t ask ourselves the right questions we live in self deception.

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