Key thoughts from The Gospel Project

Matt Chandler
Theology of the Gospel

The idea that you can grow up in the church and now hear the gospel weighed heavy on my heart.

The Gospel is not a new solution to a problem

Don’t assume people have heard the Gospel and have been transformed by it. –

You have to teach morality within the context of the Gospel or people become self-righteous or beaten down –

“To stray from the gospel & teach the Bible as ‘good moral teachings’ is to rob the Bible of its power.”

“the hero of the story is Christ and His life, death and resurrection.”

The gospel isn’t a moral code to follow, but a call to discipleship that transforms us into holiness.

The connection of Holy living and the gospel – You want something you can’t control. It’s regeneration of hearts. – You have fallen from grace but God made a way in Jesus.

Regeneration frees you up and gives you a heart to delight in the law.

JD Greear –
Gospel and application –

Having to obey the law without a corresponding love for God produces hypocrisy.

When our heart changes our behavior changes.

‘The Gospel isn’t just a diving board to get you into the Christian life. It is the pool itself.’ –

Jesus accepted the woman caught in adultery before he commanded her to sin no more.

God’s acceptance is what frees us from sin

The gospel makes us generous because of Jesus’ generosity to us. He’s the greatest possession.

Sin begins as a worship problem we have to ends with a worship problem.

We need to always be opening people with the Glory of God.

The goal of every sermon is not information but worship. –

Everything we teach has to flow from the Gospel.

The theme of every page of scripture is what Christ has done for us.

“The Bible is not a story about heroes we should emulate, but about a Savior we are to adore.”

Problem w/ most #kidmin Curriculum is that kids come home with a todo list not a understanding worship and grace.

Worship is the fuel of missions.

if we teach only the moralistic passages of scripture, we end up teaching kids that scripture is about them and not God!

The theme on every page of Scripture is “Salvation belongs to God”-

Ed Stetzer
How Gospel Centrality connects to mission

Theology matters but it has to lead us to action.

I never want to preach a message that wouldn’t be true if Jesus didn’t die on the cross.

We must be explicit about the gospel. We need to ground people in the word.  Theology Gospel Mission.

Satan is not threatened by people who want to go deep [into the Gospel], but remain inactive.

The church does not need “knowledge consumers,” but “missional co-laborers.”

We need to be Theologically rich, Gospel Centered and Missional Driven.

Think Grow Know.

Really Gospel community leads to mission.

Is your life lived in response to the gospel? by the power of the gospel? and in the context of community?

How does the passage equip God’s people to live on mission.


Teach kids that these are not isolated fables. A chronological approach helps kids see the whole story.

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