Want your kids to memorize scripture? I do.

OK, you’re a children’s pastor and you’ve challenged your kids to memorize a passage for the week. That’s pretty normal, right? Now, sit back and image this: During the week, your kids go to your church website, click a button and log in to this brand new Bible memory service. They play this game called Verse Hero. You actually configured the game to play with your passage. After playing several times to beat your high score, the kids notice something else you made available. It’s a music video by Hillsong Kids, “My Number One”. It’s a perfect complement to the passage your kids are memorizing. You discovered the video on YouTube and easily placed it right next to the game for your kids to watch, listen to and enjoy.

Still imagining? Good, ‘cuz it gets better! It’s Saturday evening and you wonder, “Has anyone logged in to play the game or watch the video?” Unable to control your curiosity (and a touch of geekness), you log in to view reports showing the names of the children, staff and parents who have played the game and viewed your video. You sort the list according to score and see that Kyle Smith, Lisa Brown, Courtney Towne and Mrs. Tay (your devoted 3rd grade volunteer) have completely destroyed your high score. You smile, and remind yourself to bring four ice cream shop coupons to church Sunday morning, as promised.

Is this a dream or is this reality? (Just a little longer. I’m having fun with this.) Sunday morning went very well and your PowerPoint presentation clearly illustrated the meaning of reconciliation. The visuals and the flow were right on. No one could miss it. Except half the kids who didn’t show up! Your disappointment is relieved as you upload your work and make it available for everyone when they log in during the week.

OK, you can open your eyes now. Kids’ Bible memory is changing. Until very recently, everything you just imagined was only a dream, but not anymore. God has inspired, empowered and equipped a few people from New Castle, Pennsylvania to build this new Bible memory service for His kids all over the world. Churches from coast to coast are catching on to it. Listen in:

“This is just what we need for our J-Walk ministry.”

Mickey Gonzales, Children’s Pastor

Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California

“This is BOSS!!”

Jon Priddy, Children’s Pastor

Eliot Baptist Church, Eliot, Maine


We call this brand new Bible memory service Impress Kids. The name’s not original; we copied it from Deuteronomy 6:6-7, “These commands that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children . . .” We believe this is God’s desire, still and perhaps more than ever before. For this reason, Bible memory cannot and should not remain on paper alone. Not in a digital world. The visually dynamic and interactive experience offers tremendous possibilities for the memory process to be richer and more effective. Today’s kids wield technology almost instinctively. It’s their familiar and preferred platform. If we’re serious about the verses we assign our kids, it makes sense to present the verses in an engaging way kids are naturally attracted to.

Come, check us out at www.ImpressKids.com. While you’re there, play Verse Hero yourself. Also, play Granny’s Bible Dojo, the fun board-breaking-books-of-the-Bible game. Notice the Media Player, too. This powerful feature allows you to present dynamic media content related to your memory verses. Oh, and don’t leave the site without visiting our “Christ’s Church” example. It will help you visualize and experience this powerful service in a familiar children’s ministry context.

The revolution has begun and you’re invited to be a part of it.

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