
Who Is Joyce Meyer?

Joyce Meyer is one of the most popular Christian personalities in the world and her influence is growing rapidly. With sermons on receiving emotional healing, overcoming the past, freedom from condemnation, and more, Joyce Meyer has grown from an associate pastor at a local St. Louis church to a world wide speaker, author, and conference

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Wet Cement?

I have heard the hearts and minds of children referred to as wet cement. I understand that analogy but I find it a bit to "construction" for me. I prefer to refer the heart and mind of a child as fertile soil that will one day produce a harvest. They don’t have the hard soil

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Man to Man Defense

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" Milton Berle We are now experiencing the difficulty of our man to man defense. Before the birth of our second son we could double team our first son we would win most games. Now it’s man to man and when we need fresh legs

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How Super Are You?

I just took an online superhero personality test. I think it is important that every children’s pastor and father know what superhero they are. My son’s suspicions are totally confirmed I am superman. I am a little concerned however because Wonder Woman was a close second. Your results:You are Superman Superman 75% Wonder Woman 66%

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24, LOST me

I am officially breaking up with Jack Bauer. I have watched Jack Bauer from Day 1 literally. I have been an unashamed Bower evangelist, I converted all my friends to be Jack fans. This year has been so dissapointing I am no longer watching. The sad part is I am not leaving 24 it has

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