
Family (3 of 5)

Violet Beauregarde – Wrong Priorities The next trap I think many parents fall into is the wrong priorities trap. We communicate to our kids every day what is important. By what we say but far more by what we do. I will start off by saying I am a very competitive person. I like to […]

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Family (2 of 5)

Augustus Gloop: Self-Control We live in a day and age now were we are blessed with so much. So much food, entertainment, money. We have so much we are so blessed! This should be great news for our kids, but is it? The down side to all this blessing is that kids now days have

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Family (1 of 5)

Importance of Family. As a children’s pastor you see the good the bad and the ugly of family. I have come to realize that great churches, youth churches and children’s ministries are just as much a reflection of great parenting as they are great pastoring. This week I want to take a parabolic look at

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Lifechurch.tv gets it.

When it comes to church marketing Lifechurch.tv gets it. I received about two weeks ago a FREE book from Lifechurch.tv they are promoting Craig’s new book Going all the way. All I have to do is blog about the book. They didn’t tell me what to say. They didn’t say it had to be positive.

Lifechurch.tv gets it. Read More »

ServanTeerism (part 4)

Know your holes and know your roles. One of the things that has always held me back was not knowing were I needed help when someone asks. One of the greatest opportunity for recruitment is Sunday morning. People see what is going on they want to get involved. You need to know your holes and

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