One Last Thought On Serventeerism (Volunteers).


I  thought I was done with my posts about volunteers. Then I read a post from Gina McClain’s blog. She had a link to another blog about thank you notes.
I started thinking that one very important ingredient I had neglected in my posts on the recruitment of volunteers is thankfulness. We need to be thankful to those who are serving as well as to God for seeing our need and filling it before we even realize we need it.

Just a few thoughts about writing notes:

  1. Hand write them.
  2. Be specific in your thanks.
  3. Be sincere in what you say.
  4. Write a thank you note to people when they don’t expect it. Not just when they do something for you. Like right after a big event.

Last but not least thank God often. When we remember what God has done for us and cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we raise the level of faith and decrease the level of cynicism.

4 thoughts on “One Last Thought On Serventeerism (Volunteers).”

  1. "When we remember what God has done for us and cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we raise the level of faith and decrease the level of cynicism."

    Well said, Sam. Thanking God and remembering what He has accomplished takes our eyes off th negative. Cynicism is a nasty web to get caught in.

  2. “When we remember what God has done for us and cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we raise the level of faith and decrease the level of cynicism.”

    Well said, Sam. Thanking God and remembering what He has accomplished takes our eyes off th negative. Cynicism is a nasty web to get caught in.

  3. I'm terrible at handwriting notes. i need help man, anywhere i can get Handwriting Notes 101?

    Thanks Sam for the post to remind me I need training. :-p

  4. I’m terrible at handwriting notes. i need help man, anywhere i can get Handwriting Notes 101?

    Thanks Sam for the post to remind me I need training. :-p

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