Importance of Family,, reflection, and amazing grace.

I have taken a bit of time off from the blogging by accident, busyness and stuff.

What have I been doing since November 20th?

1. Importance of family. – I think during the holidays we think about family even more than usual. I know I miss my parents and sisters more than usual. I am going to start a series of blogs on family how families are more important to a church than we realize.

samluce.png2. – I have been working on hosting my own blog at Why am i going to do this?

  • I want to begin to use my blog even more as a ministry tool for my church and as we are increasingly going more multi-campus this seems to be one of many ways to speak vision and values as well as practical stuff to my teams.
  • We are looking at a March completion date for our kids wing remodel – so there will definitely be a focus for me on re-branding all things kids.
  • I want more flexibility and tools to implement and files to upload.

3. Reflection – I was thinking the other day and wondering why my best ideas come in my commute and in the shower. In talking to a good friend who is our Youth Pastor and blogger today it confirmed what God has been speaking to me for a couple of months about leaving white space in life. White space is powerful it lets you rest. I think I need more white space for God to speak.

Psalm 46: 10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

4. Watched Amazing Grace. What an appropriate movie to watch during thanksgiving. I sat there during it just amazed that people could be so dehumanized by another group of people. This movie was a powerful story of Perseverance and the power of conviction. How one person with enough focus and spirit led conviction can change the world. It was a great movie. loved it.

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