
Customer Service: Forward

Let me start this series by stating the obvious. We in the church world are not about the bottom line. We are about changed lives. So in the next few days when I refer to customer service I am not talking about selling something I am referring to creating an environment that is conducive to […]

Customer Service: Forward Read More »


Another thing that God has been speaking to me during our churches fast has been the importance of relationship. We are all very aware of the God size hole that Sarte refers to. I believe that God also put within us another hole a man size hole. Very often we are good at one the

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One of the major things that God has been speaking to me during our time of prayer and fasting is trust. Can I trust Him no matter what? Trust comes through relationship. I recently turned 33 on my birthday I received the greatest gift I could ever ask for. My wife asked my son why

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Prayer and Fasting.

We are starting our annual time of prayer and fasting. I am very excited to see what God is going to do in me personally as well as in our church. Fasting for me is always bittersweet. I love taking time to slow down and focus on God do not like not drinking coffee. Food

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I love Hillsong!

I love Hillsong. I am so excited I just got the new Hillsong Kids CD and DVD. I love, love, love it. It is differnt from the other DVD’s they have made (I am not talking about the fact the name doesn’t have super in it anywhere) and I love it even more. I am

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