Merry Christmas and a Blogging New Year.

Merry Christmas. I pray all of you will take time to reflect upon all the blessings God has given you as well as to thank him for sustaining you through the difficult times. I am very excited for 2008.

Things I want to blog about in 2008.

  • Productivity and children’s ministry
  • How do deal. (with grief)
  • The difference between a blog and a bla, bla.
  • What environment matters.
  • How to communicate vision.
  • More on volunteerism.

Let me know if there is anything you would like to discuss in the upcoming year.

Thanks for reading my blog. Thanks for your feedback. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

4 thoughts on “Merry Christmas and a Blogging New Year.”

  1. Hi Sam, merry belated christmas and a fabulous new year to you. thanks for blogging this year! Really enjoy your stuff. keep it coming. – Rags

  2. Hi Sam, merry belated christmas and a fabulous new year to you. thanks for blogging this year! Really enjoy your stuff. keep it coming. – Rags

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