
The death of a goose.

  Today marks the 600 year anniversary of Jan Hus. Most Christians today have never heard of Hus. He along with John Wycliffe were the original reformers of the church, and for that we have much to be grateful for. A full 100 years before the protestant reformation of salvation by grace through faith in

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Trend watching in Kidmin

Remember when you were in school and everyone would start talking about something and they all knew what it was but you? Yeah…me too. And then you pretended to know what it was even when you didn’t so you didn’t seem square or uncool? Yeah…me too. Well well lets put an end to that once

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How big is your church?

C. S. Lewis in “The World’s Last Night” said: “For my own part I hate and distrust reactions not only in religion but in everything. Luther surely spoke very good sense when he compared humanity to a drunkard who, after falling off his horse on the right, falls off it next time on the left.”

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God is enough

Albert Tate – God is enough Jonah – God was enough but not really – Jonah stopped and listened and moved but failed to trust – God was something but not enough. God said go. So he went but not to where he was called to go. Jonah saying me overboard is not about saving

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