Leading Well.

Leading well. One of my few crazy theories in life that I have is that leadership is more than charisma. Leadership is not how well you speak or even how many people follow you. In theory leadership for me is all about how well you build a team. Like most theories I have, true or not

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Who is FakeKidmin?

I thought it would be fun to have a little contest and find who @fakekidmin is. Here is what I am proposing I will give a copy of Jon Acuff’s new book to whoever gets the most votes or that person can say who they want the book to go to. Here is what you

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What Defines You?

You are what you allow define you. I found this post over at the Redeemercitytocity.com blog. He had some great points definately worth a read. Talking about what defines you. I think this is something that every children’s pastor and leader needs to revisit from time to time. You are not the size of your

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