Leading Well.

Leading well. One of my few crazy theories in life that I have is that leadership is more than charisma. Leadership is not how well you speak or even how many people follow you. In theory leadership for me is all about how well you build a team.

Like most theories I have, true or not when I stumble across something that tells me I am not crazy I like to share because….well….I don’t want you to think I am crazy either.

I was listening to Harvard Business Reviews podcast and they did one on: “The Art of Leading Well” with Warren Bennis.

Warren is an expert on leadership and he defines leadership as the following:

The capacity to build a team that is compatible and that is has created in that team a transparency and a  culture of  candor where people feel close corporative and they feel that their fates are correlated and they are doing things together……great leaders build great teams.

If we want to lead well in kids ministry you HAVE to build a great team. I know that I am thankful for the team at my church I get to be a part of at Redeemer and I am thankful for the team I am honored to lead in Uptown.

1 thought on “Leading Well.”

  1. Great post. And when we DO have a great ministry team, you can almost her Jesus saying, “I love it when a plan comes together!”
    (BTW, I have a signed copy of this photo)

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