Podcasts you need to listen to

Here are the podcasts I listen to most. Tim Keller Podcast  Andy Stanley Greatest Hits.  John Piper – Desiring God Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast Matt Chandler HBR Ideacast My Churches Podcast Ted Talks Acts 29 Sermons Stuff you should know Stuff you missed in history Class I would love to hear what podcasts you listen

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I had a conversation with a pastor from another church, she said “God has given you influence, what are going to say?” It’s a great question because like it or not each of us has influence. God has given each of us a measure of influence what are you going to say when have people in your

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Asking the right questions

The most important thing we can do as a leader is ask the right questions of ourself and others. When we don’t ask the right questions we get wrong information. When we don’t ask the right people questions we get wrong information. When we don’t ask ourselves the right questions we live in self deception.

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Treasuring Christ

This weekend at church my pastor spoke on Love out of 1 Corinthians 13. It was a powerful message talking about what love should look like. As as I sat there listening I began to think as a Child, Husband, father, leader do I treasure Christ? In all that we do as followers of Christ I

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