
ServanTeerism (part 4)

Know your holes and know your roles. One of the things that has always held me back was not knowing were I needed help when someone asks. One of the greatest opportunity for recruitment is Sunday morning. People see what is going on they want to get involved. You need to know your holes and

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ServanTeerism (part 3)

Ask vs. Beg When we need volunteers I think we tend to come across desperate. I used to do this all the time with that frazzled look in my eyes and say “can you help with the kids”. I have learned and am still learning when it comes to recruiting: 1. If you are begging

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ServanTeerism (part 2)

Praying Vs. Pulpit Pleading. When I first became the children’s pastor at my church everyone quit. I was faced with my first servanteerism dilemma. What is your main recruitment tool? Everybody has a fail-safe method for when you get hit with mass volunteer exodus. I had always grown up in church and had seen mostly

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ServanTeerism (part 1)

We are redoing our kids wing this winter. We were planning on doing it for the fall but had to push back due to budget and contract issues. In redoing the kids wing of our church we going to be adding around 60 new volunteers. So as you can imagine I have been thinking a

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The Transformation

Excerpt form my daily devotional from a couple of days ago. I thought it was excellent. “The incarnation of the Father’s freedom calls us beyond admiration to transformation. A recent convert to Jesus was approached by an unbelieving friend: “So you have been converted to Christ?” “Yes.” “Then you must know a great deal about

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Bus Driver Move That Bus!

I have recently finished my office makeover. It was long overdue and I love it. I have made a decision against clutter (as a creative non-traditional organizer, this is a tough one) and have decided to try to file stuff. Most everything now is electronic and so filing is not needed. Just a couple of

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