

Life rarely turns out like we think. Leadership is not what we assume when we sign up. The goal of success is not accomplishment but relinquishment. We are told that if we do certain things, we will gain what we desire. Leadership is about acquisition. The American church has largely put all its chips in […]

Relinquishment. Read More »

Top 10 Books of 2023

This year, I missed my goal, which I have never liked to do. Looking back, I read some larger books and read more slowly this year. I also co-wrote two books. One will come out in August of 2024. You can pre-order it here. One of the ways God has always spoken to me is

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Revival of the Ordinary

We tend to think that our current cultural moment is the worst it has ever been. We tend to think that the past was much better, and things progressively worsen daily. Likewise, we tend to over-romanticize the past and long for the “good ole days.” Eric Metaxas, writing about the English Reformer William Wilberforce, said:

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Really Radical Book for Kids

Champ Thornton released his first book in this series, The Radical Book for Kids, nearly nine years ago. Our family enjoyed this book. It was a unique take on theology, Church history, science, history, and random fun facts and activities. It was filled with truth that was captured in beautiful illustrations. The follow-up of Thornton’s

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Parents, you need to talk to your kids about Marijuana.

Marijuana is a drug that is becoming increasingly legal and increasingly popular among young people. While it may seem harmless, marijuana can have severe consequences for the developing brains of children and teenagers. As a parent, it is essential to understand the risks associated with marijuana use and to have open and honest conversations with

Parents, you need to talk to your kids about Marijuana. Read More »