
Give it up. For Christ's Sake.

Just read a great post by Craig Groeschel. It is invaluable for leader but especially children’s workers. In children’s ministry you need so many volunteers to accomplish everything and if you don’t learn how to give up control you will never survive and you will never thrive. Make sure you read Craig’s blog post on […]

Give it up. For Christ's Sake. Read More »

9 Years and counting.

9 Years ago today we stood in front of family and friends and professed our love. We were so young and so in love if you asked me then “if I could have loved my wife any more than I did just then.” I would have said no today I would say without hesitation Yes.

9 Years and counting. Read More »

Off to vacation…..

Off to the  “Great White North” for some  R&R. So for the next couple of week I will be checking in but not daily. If you know anyone in Canada let me know. I am sure I will be seeing them…….(If you didn’t get that last joke, either you are not Canadian or you have

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