Give it up. For Christ's Sake.

Just read a great post by Craig Groeschel. It is invaluable for leader but especially children’s workers. In children’s ministry you need so many volunteers to accomplish everything and if you don’t learn how to give up control you will never survive and you will never thrive. Make sure you read Craig’s blog post on control it’s excellent.

I know when I first started working in children’s ministry I did everything. It didn’t take long before I realized the power of team. We need to give up what we think we have to do for the cause of Christ. I have done a children’s worker take on Craig’s post.

1. Do you teach each week? – Give it up

2. Is it easier to do everything yourself then explain it to others? – Give it up

3. Are you to busy doing that you have no time to inspect what is going on? – Give it up

4. What are you doing that someone else can do? – Give it up.

5. If you left today would your ministry survive? If the the answer is no than you need to give up more control for the sake of Christ. What we do is more important than who we are.

Give it up! For Christ’s sake.

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