
Where am I?

I haven’t been blogging so much I have been Pastor General Contractor this week. Lots of meetings not a lot of free time. I tell you what all you general contractors out there I know I have a large audience of you guys. I tip my hard hat to you. I could not do what […]

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Easter Hangover.

We had a great Easter Service. At our kids church the room was packed with kid from K5 to 6th grade (We combined our age groups this week for easter only). We had a great time in small groups doing age appropriate activities and when it came to the bible story you could hear a

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Why God is a Yankee Fan.

Today we are all Yankee Fans. Well that may be taking it a bit to far. I think what the Yankees did was total class. Playing a preseason game with the VT baseball team was a great way to raise money and help out people who were profoundly affected by a terrible tragedy. I think

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Work Day 2.0

What do you get when you combine 12 men 4 jack hammers and a back hoe. A huge mess. We had our second workday getting ready for JMC. We took up 2500 square feet of floor tile. 3500 square feet of ceiling tiles. Ripped out carpet and prepped walls for paint. Thanks to all the

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I read this in my devotional yesterday it really spoke to me. The Careful Choice A terrible thing has happened to Caiaphas. Religion has left the realm of respect for person, immediate concern for the individual, for communion. For Caiaphas, sacredness has become institutions, structures, abstractions. Caiaphas is dedicated to the “people.” Therefore, individual, flesh-and-blood

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Under Construction!

Am I the only one who hates it when you type in the url of a website and you get that stupid stick guy digging dirt “Under Construction”. Or when you are driving anywhere and you end up waiting in a long line of cars because the road you are on is under construction. But

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