
Random Thought Thursday.

Maybe I should make Thursdays random thought day, like Friday is YouTube Friday. We shall see. Thought last nights debate was better than the first two. Entertainment value was way up. Loved the verbal jostling. Found this great site www.stickystreet.com We are going to be using them for our bible bucks. I changed my strategy […]

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Maintaining the Wow factor.

I have been thinking a lot today about how to maintain the wow factor on a weekly basis. It is something that is important to me, yet it is something that can be easily sidelined by stuff, albeit important stuff. How do you make every weekend experience as exciting as the the first one? Kenny,

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YouTube Friday: Mud

What does a biblical healing of a blind man and a modern day politician have in common? Mud. To wind up my political blogs for the week I thought I would give you some political mud from both sides. MCCAIN AD httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONfJ7YSXE5w OBAMA AD httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpmFd25tRqo

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What Choice do we have?

Well the if you have watch the last two debates you should know where the candidates stand on Iraq and the economy and not much else. So I will list a few of the big issues that they are not discussing in the debates that I think matter. For a full list of issues and

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Political Change?

Lots of talk of change tonight, from both sides. So thought I would pass on some of my favorite quotes on change. If you’re in a bad situation, don’t worry it’ll change. If you’re in a good situation, don’t worry it’ll change. John A. Simone, Sr. Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine.

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Politics and Religion?

I think we have all heard the conventional wisdom. Never talk about politics or religion at a dinner party. Well I laugh in the face of conventional wisdom. I thought in-light of the coming election and the fact Debate round two is tonight I would touch on politics and religion this week. I would like

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