Random Thought Thursday.

Photo 63
Maybe I should make Thursdays random thought day, like Friday is YouTube Friday. We shall see.

Thought last nights debate was better than the first two. Entertainment value was way up. Loved the verbal jostling.

Found this great site www.stickystreet.com We are going to be using them for our bible bucks. I changed my strategy from tokens to giving each kid a credit card. I will blog about this more. But for now very excited.

Very excited to see the Red Sox lose tonight.

Thinking about buying the Heros of Mega city next. Has anyone done this one yet?

I feel like eating a chicken roll and a double-shot

I love fall and hate winter

I took my picture in front of books so I would look smarter.

Why is chocolate and peanut butter so good?

I am reading “To own a dragon” and “How starbucks saved my life” about to read “it” any suggestions on a good read?

3 thoughts on “Random Thought Thursday.”

  1. I’m very intrigued by sticky street. I think that would be fun… also a good solution for managing spending money for kids if you do your own camp store/snack shack at summer camp.

    Love it.

  2. Jeremy,

    I have a man crush on Steve Jobs. Love everything Apple does.


    Talked to the CEO great guy. This a perfect solution for us. It helps the kids learn responsibly, if kids lose their card you reissue them a new one they don’t lose their points. Other kids can’t steal them because it is tied to each person plus it is internet based so it works with macs or pcs and will work for multi-site. I LOVE IT. I will blog it once i figure out how the process side of things.

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