Sandra Updates

Just Show Up

One of the expectations of being a pastor is that you always know what to say, when to say it and how it should be said. The is even more true when the person who you are ministering to is hurting. In nearly 20 years of pastoral ministry to the same church family I have

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When God Whispers

I am happy to report that earilier this week I had a PET Scan done and my doctor said my scan was clear and I am offically in remission. I am so very thankful for those who prayed and supported us. In the fall when all this came about. People would tell me that it

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Kindness Matters

Did you ever wonder if your kindness matters? It can and it does. My friends, church family and relatives have been so kind to me during this time. My friend Stephanie  came and prepared a roast for my family, put it in my oven so the house smelled wonderful when the kids came home from

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The blessings in suffering

I want to start by sincerely thanking everyone for all you have done for my family and me. I will not forget your kindness. Every card, prayer, donation and helping hand has helped us more than you know. Thank you. This time has been challenging for me and my family. It has been the hardest

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Please Pray For My Family

The past five weeks have been some of the most challenging weeks our family has faced. Five weeks ago my wife Sandra found an enlarged lymph node on her neck. She went to our family doctor who quickly sent her for a CT scan and for a biopsy. I wasn’t truly concerned because I honestly

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