
Second Guessing God.

This is a follow up from Gina’s post the other day. It’s got me thinking all clichés aside what would Jesus do. In his book Second Guessing God, Brian Jones tells a story of a homeless man he came across. It is powerful. I just read the excerpt on and am ordering it right […]

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Why I love America!

I Love America Because: 1. Religious Freedom 2. Economic Freedom 3. Opportunity – You are limited by only yourself. 4. Compassion – Most Americans are very consered about their neighbor. 5. Freedom of Expression – You can say and do almost anything not only will you be free from oppression by the government many people

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Only In America!

ONLY IN AMERICA! 1. Only in America……can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. 2. Only in America……are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink. 5. Only in America……do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. 6. Only in America……do we leave cars

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I Hate Church Signs!

I hate church signs. What is the point. I think in everything we do we need to keep in mind who are we trying to reach. I would love to hear from someone who drove by a church sign that said “Tired of being a loser turn to God” and they said “yes I am

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21st Centry Allowance

I remember all the way back to the 20th century, I got my allowance in cold hard cash…..for one week. I never really got an allowance but learned a lot about elbow grease. Both my parents were and are hard workers so I have yet to decided how and if and when my young children

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