Evangelism Old School Vs. New School Part 2

Our values must remain constant. Our methods must change and evolve.


1. Crusade evangelism

2. Event Driven evangelism

3. Program Driven evangelism


1. Relational evangelism

2. Block Parties

3. Compassion ministries

This is by no means a complete list. Just a challenge to stir things up. To reach people far from Christ we need to do whatever it takes. I think the “if we build it (buildings, programs, events) they will come” approach has run it’s course. I believe that the next generation of leaders are realizing that the kingdom is more than that. Buildings, programs and events are great but if the core of those things are not true relational evangelism we are like the marketer in video on my last post. Saying all the right things doing none of the right things.

0 thoughts on “Evangelism Old School Vs. New School Part 2”

  1. You are so right. I watched the video and it could definitely fit many churches or some people within churches. We need to be relevant! We need to show that Christianity is real, not just lectures/sermons, something you do on Sunday and go home. If that takes a different approach, then that’s what’s needed.

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