

Life rarely turns out like we think. Leadership is not what we assume when we sign up. The goal of success is not accomplishment but relinquishment. We are told that if we do certain things, we will gain what we desire. Leadership is about acquisition. The American church has largely put all its chips in […]

Relinquishment. Read More »

Brave New Church

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Huxley painted a grim picture of what our world would look like not with, sadness, pain, discomfort or solitude. He showed us his picture of a world in which happiness was the greatest goal. The results were shocking and a bit more like modern American than even Huxley imagined

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How big is your church?

C. S. Lewis in “The World’s Last Night” said: “For my own part I hate and distrust reactions not only in religion but in everything. Luther surely spoke very good sense when he compared humanity to a drunkard who, after falling off his horse on the right, falls off it next time on the left.”

How big is your church? Read More »

Does the church still matter?

The Barna Group has released a new series of books that address pressing questions. In this book they address this question through research provided by Barna and Jon Tyson’s pastoral perspective. 51% of people don’t think it’s important to attend church. I was drawn to this book because I believe what you believe about Jesus

Does the church still matter? Read More »