

Asking the right questions

The most important thing we can do as a leader is ask the right questions of ourself and others. When we don’t ask the right questions we get wrong information. When we don’t ask the right people questions we get wrong information. When we don’t ask ourselves the right questions we live in self deception.

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Best Attendance

Youth pastors of America I want to tell you a little bit about my newest sponsor, Best Attendance. Best Attendance is a new website allowing youth leaders to take attendance, share event calendars, communicate with youth, and update membership rosters online. The software helps you increase accountability in your group by providing graphical, customizable attendance

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Spotify: Spot on

I don’t know if you have heard of the new music resource out there on the inter-webs but there is a new WAY better than Pandora music source out there called Spotify. Spotify has been in Europe for a while and was just released in the US recently and is still in limited release. I got an

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