
Top 10 Books of 2023

This year, I missed my goal, which I have never liked to do. Looking back, I read some larger books and read more slowly this year. I also co-wrote two books. One will come out in August of 2024. You can pre-order it here. One of the ways God has always spoken to me is […]

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Top 10 Books of 2022

This year I read 62 books in total. I tend to go down rabbit holes, as you might notice. This year I read several books by authors of color and several books about our current cultural moment, as well as several books on transgenderism. This year was my first full year off from Seminary, so

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Top 10 Books of 2021

This year I finished my master’s degree work at Knox Seminary. It was a five-year process, and I loved every bit of it. The one downside was that I was so busy reading books for my classes. All the required reading for those classes was phenomenal. I enjoyed them all. The downside was not the

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Top 10 Books of 2019

Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places – Eugene Peterson Eugene does what few modern theologians can do he weaves theology and poetry and finishes each thought with pastoral application. I found Ten Thousand Places challenges to live what you believe. The challenge in the evangelical church is there is much theological understanding without application and

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Top 10 Books of 2018

A quick note about this year’s book list. I tried to be better about reading more fiction and I intentionally read more books written by women, I tried to get on the Flannery O’Connor bandwagon but still do not see what all the hype is about. I am nearly halfway through reading all of the

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Summer Reads

Summer is a great time to grab a book and sit in a hammock and unwind or lie on a beach and get some free vitamin D while getting lost in a great book. This summer was busy at work, so I took the summer off from seminary to focus on some of our most

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Books I Read in 2016

This year was a change for me I started graduate school a little over a year ago, and the books I want to read are now waiting for me because of books I have to read are taking precedence. I have learned a couple of things about reading this year. 1.Reading books above what you typically read

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My Top 8 Books of 2015

I enjoyed so many of the books I read last year to narrow the list down 8 is a challenge indeed. But if had to recommend only 8 books out of the books I read last year these would be it. Each one challenged me personally in unique ways. Each of them is well worth the time

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Weekend Reading 3-20-2015

What Books I’m Reading Culture Making by Andy Crouch Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower What Blog Posts I’m Reading now Pastors keep a close watch on your life and illustrations by Jared Wilson – Love Jared’s candor and his desire for preaching to be both practical and trans-formative. If you preach to any age

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