Books I Read in 2016

This year was a change for me I started graduate school a little over a year ago, and the books I want to read are now waiting for me because of books I have to read are taking precedence. I have learned a couple of things about reading this year.

1.Reading books above what you typically read or are comfortable reading push you to read more efficiently and read more widely. There are books I would never have read this year if it were not for that.

2.  The books I want to read I have to do in the cracks of time that are not taken by school, work and family. My list of want to read books is growing, hopefully, I can get to them in a couple of years. 

3. I have to be pickier with my want to read list since I don’t have the time to read books that I find remotely interesting. I have to be more judicious with what books I choose to read. 

I choose books to read

– That are books I re-read almost every year

– That deal with issues I am facing in life and ministry

– That are being talked about a lot in wider circles than the church (All the Light We Cannot See – Anthony Doerr)

– That are part of my longer term reading goals, like reading everything from CS Lewis at least once. 

– I tried to read more disciplined in my devotional reading this year, by reading my bible a devotional and a commentary that went along with the devotional. 

  1. Renaissance – Os Guinness
  2. Politics – Aristotle
  3. The Greatest Story – Kevin DeYoung
  4. The Nicomachean Ethics – Aristotle
  5. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie 
  6. Tale of Three Kings – Gene Edwards
  7. Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis 
  8. Voyage of the Dawn Treader – C.S. Lewis 
  9. Confessions – St. Augustine 
  10. The Call to Joy and Pain. – Ajith Fernando 
  11. Jesus Outside the Lines. – Scott Sauls 
  12. Fools Talk – Os Guinness 
  13. Family Worship – Donald Whitney
  14. The Hole in Our Holiness – Kevin DeYoung
  15. The Rule of Love – JV Fesko
  16. A Neglected Grace – Jason Helopoulos 
  17. Reclaiming Conversation – Sherry Turkle
  18. Mortification of Sin – John Owen
  19. Saint Thomas Aquinas – G. K. Chesterton 
  20. If You Can Keep It – Eric Metaxas
  21. George Whitefield – Arnold Dallimore 
  22. A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards – George Marsden 
  23. You Are What You Love – James K. A. Smith
  24. The Whole Christ – Sinclair Furguson 
  25. All the Light We Cannot See – Anthony Doerr
  26. The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism – Carl F. H. Henry
  27. The Ideal Team Player – Patrick Lencioni
  28. Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert – Rosaria Butterfield
  29. Foreign Agent – Brad Thor
  30. Smarter Faster Better – Charles Duhigg
  31. The Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Chruch to the Dawn of the Reformation – Justo Gonzalez
  32. Making Sense of God – Tim Keller 
  33. The Psalms of Jesus – Tim Keller
  34. Psalms 1-72 an Introduction and Commentary – Derek Kidner 
  35. Impossible People – Os Guinness 
  36. Christianity and Liberalism – J Gresham Machen
  37. The American Evangelical Story – Douglas Sweeney
  38. Order to Kill – Kyle Mills
  39. The Silver Chair – C. S. Lewis
  40. The Story of Christianity: Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day –  Justo Gonzalez
  41. The Pastor: A Memoir – Eugene Peterson

5 thoughts on “Books I Read in 2016”

  1. A great list of books. However you are missing a key author, the one whom C.S. Lewis said he never wrote a book without this person in mine. His name is George MacDonald and a good book of his to start with would be Sir Gibbie.

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