Book Review

Really Radical Book for Kids

Champ Thornton released his first book in this series, The Radical Book for Kids, nearly nine years ago. Our family enjoyed this book. It was a unique take on theology, Church history, science, history, and random fun facts and activities. It was filled with truth that was captured in beautiful illustrations. The follow-up of Thornton’s […]

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Top 10 Books of 2022

This year I read 62 books in total. I tend to go down rabbit holes, as you might notice. This year I read several books by authors of color and several books about our current cultural moment, as well as several books on transgenderism. This year was my first full year off from Seminary, so

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Top 10 Books of 2020

In 2020 I read many books by people who have different views than I have, I read several books on CRT and Liberation Theology as well as some written by Progressive Theologians. I found it interesting to see the world as they see it. I also found it strengthen my resolve to fight for clarity

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My Top 8 Books of 2015

I enjoyed so many of the books I read last year to narrow the list down 8 is a challenge indeed. But if had to recommend only 8 books out of the books I read last year these would be it. Each one challenged me personally in unique ways. Each of them is well worth the time

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Are Miracles Real?

Eric Metaxas is rolling out his new book “Miracles” tomorrow. I had the privilege of reading it in advance. I read “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy” last year and enjoyed it so much I read several of Eric’s other books. Many of Eric’s latest books were biographical so Miracles in combining theology and biography was

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