Search Results for: Thin man's guide

My 12 Rules for Life

A few months ago Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life was all the rage. I found his book interesting and him as a person even more so. What I found interesting is that his rules were based on his worldview. The truth is we all live by a set of propositions we believe to

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Top Posts of 2009

Well, I am still on a blogging hiatus of sorts. Enjoying the holiday season with my family. I thought it would be fun to look back at the year at the Top posts of 2009 and look forward to 2010. Top 10 Posts of 2009 1. Announcing Claudia to the world – (#1 as it

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My Life as a Twitter Fugitive.

Well the last few hours have been interesting. I am no longer a twitter fugitive. I have been fully reinstated but being reinstated alone does not heal or repair the significant amount of emotional trauma I experienced. I have since been approached by Random House publishers to write a book on my ordeal. (Not really,

My Life as a Twitter Fugitive. Read More »

Raising boys

Raising Boys in a #MeToo World.

In my last blog post, I talked about protecting girls in a #metoo world. My hope was to give practical suggestions that will help empower girls and women to be kind yet proactive, respectful of all yet cautious with trust. I think teaching girls appropriate boundaries as well as teaching them how to respond to unwanted advances

Raising Boys in a #MeToo World. Read More »