
13 Years Ago Today

I remember Wednesday, February 12, 2007 like it was yesterday. It was the first time in my life I was confronted with death in such a helpless and tangible way. I had been a pastor for ten years and I felt like I understood sickness, sorrow, and grief. That day thirteen years ago I realized

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Bitter Sweet

Ah my dear angry Lord, Since thou dost love, yet strike; Cast down, yet help afford; Sure I will do the like. I will complain, yet praise; I will bewail, approve: And all my sour-sweet days I will lament, and love. God sometimes does the opposite of what we desire. In response, we must more

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9 years ago today

Nine years ago today one the kids in our kids church suddenly went home to be with the Lord. Walking into the ER moments after he passed altered my life forever. I still do not understand why but through the years I have become more aware of who God is in the midst of life’s storms.

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8 Years ago today.

Eight years ago today one the kids in our kids church suddenly went home to be with the Lord. This lead to me to try and  reconcile  how a loving God could do such a thing. Through that process inside my heart of hearts I let go of God, only to find out He never

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5 Years ago today

Five years ago today the son of a family who means the world to me past away. The thing that never ceases to amaze me is that you learn more of who God is in pain than you do in joy. In the past years dealing with my own disappointments I have grown in my faith but

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