
25 Years in the Same Place

This summer has been crazy like most summers. It was so busy that an important milestone was passed, and I missed it. I just realized this week that this is my 26th summer in the same place. For some of you, that sounds unattainable. For others, I’m just getting started. It has been a battle, […]

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Gone but not forgotten.

Most leaders if they are honest will tell you one of their biggest fears is they would give their life and energy to someone or something only to be forgotten once they move on. I have thought about this a lot lately what will people take away from your contribution to your church, family, field.

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Leading Well.

Leading well. One of my few crazy theories in life that I have is that leadership is more than charisma. Leadership is not how well you speak or even how many people follow you. In theory leadership for me is all about how well you build a team. Like most theories I have, true or not

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