Gone but not forgotten.

Most leaders if they are honest will tell you one of their biggest fears is they would give their life and energy to someone or something only to be forgotten once they move on. I have thought about this a lot lately what will people take away from your contribution to your church, family, field.

Here are a few random thoughts I have been thinking and praying over.

1. When I leave a conversation do people think I am important or did I make them feel important

2. The people you poured into will always outlast anything you build.

3. People are usually remembered by a one sentence description. What is your one sentence description? I want mine to be “Jesus is everything!”

4. The next generation of leaders will laugh at how we do what we’ve done are we able to change, embrace and get out-of-the-way.

5. The faith you leave behind is tied to your ability to point others to Christ. When you realize that everything is truly about Jesus you instill a faith that lasts because it’s not about the greatness of your faith but the faithfulness of our Savior.

6. I know that Uptown will be fine, Redeemer will be fine because of the Power of the Gospel and all the victories are not because of me but because we have a team that loves kids with a radical sacrificial love  and that makes a difference and that’s what people always remember a nameless faceless group of people loving others like Christ first loved us.

6 thoughts on “Gone but not forgotten.”

  1. Sam,
    In response to your first point, every conversation I've had with you, digital or in person, I have left with a great respect for you because of the way you spoke value into my life. Thank you.

    Everyone else,
    Sam is the real deal. He's not just writing this stuff, he's living this out and it only takes a few minutes with him to see that.

  2. Jared, thanks for your words you are far to kind. I was blessed and encouraged as much if not more by you and your father. Your dad is a great leader I am grateful God allowed our paths to cross online and in real life.

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