
Change something

I have been doing a good amount of creative thought as well as a decent amout of writing. I have been in a creative rut brought on by a busyness, deadlines, and the cares of life. How I get out of creative ruts. Change location – get out of the office. Go somewhere different, perhaps

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True Fasting

True Fasting One of my favorite writers is a man by the name of Brennan Manning. He has a powerful testimony but what I appreciate most about him is his ability to tap into the Nature of God our Father. He has a devotional that I enjoy immensely entitled “Refections For Ragamuffins”. The following is

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Our church is starting 58 days of prayer and fasting. We believe that we can do nothing apart from prayer. We are passionate about reaching people far from God. In order to do what we feel God calling us to do we need to take some time and dedicate it to prayer and fasting. During

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More on Pipeline

Met with Mike and Gareth on Tuesday to discuss the Pipeline conference. What it is: Conference for Youth workers and Children’s workers What we want to accomplish: 1. Help Youth workers and Kids workers see the value of collaboration 2. Create a conference that is a great balance of information/application/network connection I think we all

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