
Customer Service Chapter 1: Tiffany's (Do your values translate to a personal level?)

Do the values of your church permeate your organization? Tiffany’s is know for a few things. 1. Breakfast (just kidding) 2. Blue Boxes 3. Fantastic Customer Service This Christmas I bought my wife a ring Tiffany’s for Christmas this year, here is what happened. 1. They guaranteed christmas delivery. It came three days late 2.

Customer Service Chapter 1: Tiffany's (Do your values translate to a personal level?) Read More »

VBS all year round?

I recently attended a VBS put on by another church in our area. Our church doesn’t do VBS but I like taking my boys if I can. As I was sitting in the back observing the thought came to me “Why don’t churches treat each weekend like it was VBS?” What if we: 1. Advertised

VBS all year round? Read More »